News and Resources - CarerHelp

CarerHelp News: CarerHelp now HonCode certified

  • 16 April 2020
  • Number of views: 886
CarerHelp News: CarerHelp now HonCode certified

CarerHelp is now an HonCode certified website, further demonstrating its quality and trustworthiness as a source of health information.

HonCode certification is conducted by the Health on the Net Foundation and is considered as the most valued quality marker for online health information around the world. All HonCode certified websites must follow eight principles to be included.

The Health on the Net Foundation reviews websites annually to ensure continuous compliance to its HonCode principles and guidelines. CarerHelp is committed to ensure the quality of its information and resources, and will regularly update its content to address current and emerging needs of carers of persons at the end of life.

Categories: CarerHelp Updates