News and Resources - CarerHelp

CarerHelp Information Pack for specialist palliative care services

  • 13 October 2021
  • Number of views: 685
CarerHelp Information Pack for specialist palliative care services

To assist specialist palliative care services and their team in supporting family carers, the CarerHelp Project is distributing free Information Packs containing practical information, advice, and useful resources for them to share with carers.

The Information Pack was developed by the CareSearch Team at Flinders University working with St Vincent’s Hospital and Carers Australia as part of the CarerHelp Project.

The pack is composed of factsheets and divided into three main sections: Getting Started, When Illness is Advancing, and Grief and Bereavement. Each section is organised according to the needs that carers have seen as important when someone is first diagnosed, when illness progresses, and when caring for a dying person. An Extras section featuring helplines and resources for mental health and emergency situations is also included.

Being divided into sections will allow services and health professionals to give the factsheets to family carers depending on the latter’s need and readiness.

Email carerhelp@flinders.edu.au to order free copies

CarerHelp is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.
