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CarerHelp Evaluation Article Published

  • 30 November 2021
  • Number of views: 485
CarerHelp Evaluation Article Published

The first CarerHelp publication has been published. CarerHelp is the first e-health toolkit that focuses on the information and support needs of carers of people with a life-limiting illness at the end-of-life, using a pathway approach. This study investigated the usefulness of CarerHelp, from the perspective of health professionals who care for these people. Health professionals endorsed CarerHelp as a useful information source, guide for support, and would promote CarerHelp to clients and their families.

Parker D., Hudson P., Tieman J., Thomas K., Saward D., Ivynian S. (2021) Evaluation of an online toolkit for carers of people with a life-limiting illness at the end-of-life: health professionals’ perspectives. Australian Journal of Primary Health.
